she'll have a second-lieutenant's pension if you get killed 意味

  • 彼女は君が戦死すれば少尉の年金をもらうことになる


        you'll never get rich:    {映画} : 踊る結婚式◆米1941《監督》シドニー?ランフィールド《出演》フレッド?アステア、リタ?ヘイワース
        she'll:    【発音】《強》∫i':l 《弱》∫il、【@】シール、シル -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- she will の縮約形
        you'll get what you deserve!:    You'll get what you deserve! 様みろ ざまみろ
        second lieutenant:    second lieutenant 少尉 しょうい
        she'll be right:     She'll be [She's] ríght. ((豪略式))それでよかろう,心配ない.
        you'll:    【@】ユール、ユル -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you will の縮約形
        second lieutenant (jsdf):    second lieutenant (JSDF) 三尉 さんい
        second lieutenant (marine and army):    second lieutenant (marine and army) 少慰 しょうい
        i'll bet you that:     I('ll) bét (you) (that)... Click...
        i'll trade you:     I'll tráde you. ((略式))じゃ交換しましょう.
        if you'll excuse the expression:    こう申してはなんですが、こう言うのも何ですが
        if you'll forgive me:    お許しいただけるなら
        if you'll pardon the expression:    こう申してはなんですが、こう言うのも何ですが
        scratch and you'll find:     scrátch O and you'll fìnd ... 〈人(の態度など)〉も一皮むけば…であることがわかる.
        that'll learn you:     Thát'll léarn yòu. ?=That'll TEACH you .


  1. "she'll be perfectly safe with me"の英語
  2. "she'll be right"の英語
  3. "she'll do it, provided that it is within her capacity"の英語
  4. "she'll end up (as) an old maid"の英語
  5. "she'll get the money. she can twist her father around her little finger"の英語
  6. "she'll have a stopover there for two hours"の英語
  7. "she'll improve in time"の英語
  8. "she'll make a good mother if she ever has children"の英語
  9. "she'll make a good wife for you"の英語
  10. "she'll end up (as) an old maid"の英語
  11. "she'll get the money. she can twist her father around her little finger"の英語
  12. "she'll have a stopover there for two hours"の英語
  13. "she'll improve in time"の英語

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